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Bộ chuyển đổi vị trí, Bernard Electric Actuator Potentiometer CIPOT1 (TAM1) CIPOT2 (TAM2)
Đăng ngày 19-04-2018 11:38:39 AM - 1912 Lượt xem
Mã sản phẩm: CIPOT1 (TAM)
The electric actuator potentiometer component CIPOT1 adopts a large-scale integrated intelligent circuit chip, which has a high degree of integration, strong anti-interference ability, and simple adjustment and verification. Increase the functions of digital display, servo amplifier and communicator, three-phase motor "phase sequence" recognition function. With network communication capabilities. Can provide a variety of products with torque measurement and alarm function for "Bernard" The control panel to adjust, set, calibration and other operations are completely set by the button. The percentage value of the control input and valve position input is also displayed. The LED indicates the working status. Actuator "full open" and "full close" two-point calibration, using key settings. No need to use the potentiometer to adjust the zero point and adjust the full range. When the control signal and valve position feedback signal are disconnected, the actuator position can be arbitrarily set. With "electric brake" function, the actuator can automatically generate electric brake effect when it is close to the control equilibrium point to prevent overshoot and no shock. The “anti-blocking” function means that the actuator can exceed the locked-rotor identification time when the valve is “on” or “closed”, and stops the motor from working to protect the motor.CIPOT1 (TAM1)

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