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Van điều chỉnh áp lực YOYIK valve HGPCV-02-B10 pressure control valve

  • Đăng ngày 18-10-2023 06:57:13 PM - 221 Lượt xem
  • Mã sản phẩm: S004635
  • Deyang Dongfang Yoyik Engnifying Co; Ltd là Nhà cung cấp đủ điều kiện của DFEM, DEC và DBC. Chúng tôi chuyên sản xuất các phụ tùng thay thế cho các nhà máy điện, bao gồm Tua bin hơi, Máy phát điện, Tua bin thủy lực, Máy phát điện thủy lực, Vòng bi Babbitt, Tấm lót ổ trục bằng nhựa Flo, Bộ lọc, Phần tử lọc, Van thủy lực, Bơm thủy lực, EHC, TSI, MEH, DCS , Hệ thống kích thích, Hệ thống nước dầu hydro, Hợp chất làm kín, Giá đỡ bàn chải có thể tháo rời, Bộ làm mát, Vật liệu cách nhiệt, Sửa chữa động cơ điện, v.v.

    YOYIK provides multiple types of spare parts and equipments for power plant :
    Rotation Speed Sensor W.10.A.0003
    High-profile door stem leaking bolt D1000A-271000A016
    Assembly type mechanical seal LTJ-100-N1
    Facing Platinum Hot Resistance (WBV)D185A-690300A – Item 2
    Overspeed Protection Card DMOPC001
    Steel plate 34YR41-18
    Distance measuring sensor GJCT-15-E
    SPECIAL STUD D00.010.168
    LVDT Position Sensor ZDET20B
    LVDT Position Sensor HL-6-300-15
    BFPT Cylinder Horizontal Bolt M038-014200A
    LVDT SENSOR TD-1-200
    Sensor 2000TD
    LVDT Position Sensor DET250A
    Level gauge sensor CEL-3581A/GF
    LVDT Sensor TD-1 0-100
    LVDT Position Sensor ZDET700B
    Double thermal resistance M024-244000A No.18
    Pulse Amplification and Detection Card 2L1367
    brush holder 2DQ52
    Oil ejector(Feeder)(I) D175A-505100A
    Rotation Speed Sensor W.10.A.0168
    LVDT Position Sensor HL-6-300-15
    Gap Transmitter GJCF-15
    hydraulic valve 4WREE 10 E25-23/G24K31/F1V
    Bolt Heater HY-CYQ-2.4-380/3
    Displacement Monitor YDJ-Y-2-600
    Gap Transmitter GJCF-15
    Servo Card DMSVC001
    Excitation System Display Screen GES6000
    Locating thrust bearing D25A.241.6Z
    LVDT Position Sensor HTD-50-6
    MP rotor balance block D600B-210000A016
    small spring D150C-464000A002
    Thermal Expansion Sensor TD-2 0-35mm
    Sensor SZCB-01-A2-B1-C3
    Nut D28.261.011
    APH Tube Box 17H41-12-0 DG410/9.81-II 1
    Turbine Rotation Speed Monitor HZQS-02H
    spiral wound gasket Y47-030000A002
    Retainer D600B-361000A032
    Frequency Measurement Module DF-4K8772
    Gap Measuring Probe DZJK-2-6-A1
    Bolt Heater HY-CYQ-2.4-380/3
    CREMER Probe CEL-3581F/G
    Bolt Heater HY-CYQ-2.4-380/3
    RTD temperature probe WZPK2-336
    Gap Transmitter GJCF-15

    Tình trạng sản phẩm:

    product description

    The oil powered unloading valve HGPCV-02-B10 is an electro-hydraulic proportional valve designed to regulate pressure in a hydraulic system in proportion to the applied electrical input. It can be used to directly control the pressure in small flow systems, or for pilot control of larger pressure control valves, or for pressure control pumps and other purposes. The settings have been adjusted at the factory before leaving the factory to ensure high reproducibility from valve to valve. The valve design has small hysteresis and good repeatability. The valve body seal material is compatible with mineral liquids such as L-HM and L-HFD.

    YOYIK has been producing power plant accessories for nearly 20 years. It mainly supplies safety series valves, pump bodies, etc. suitable for various large and small units in power plants. It matches the on-site installation. The relevant parameters are set and debugged before leaving the factory. Only on-site It needs to be installed according to the relevant manual to run.


    21-HGPCV-02-B30 (5)_Copy

    21-HGPCV-02-B30 (6)_Copy

    21-HGPCV-02-B30 (6)

    21-HGPCV-02-B30 (5)



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    Van thủy lực KOMPASS D5-03-3C2 D5-03-3C4 D5-03-2B2 D5-03-3C60 D5-03-3C3 D5-03-3C5 D5-03-2D2 Liên hệ
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    Van thủy lực D5-02-3C4/3C2/3C3/3C6/2D2 KOMPASS solenoid valve D5-02-3C2 D5-02-3C4 D5-02-3C3 D5-02-3C6 D5-02-3C5 D5-02-2D2 D5-02-2B2 Liên hệ



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    Trụ sở: số 124 ngõ 79 Yên Hoà-Cầu giấy-HN
    Kinh doanh 1 : 0816.861.515
    Kinh doanh 2 : 0836.861.515
    Email: tthkinhdoanh@gmail.com
    Email: tthkinhdoanh01@gmail.com

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